Luciana - Hand Dyed Silk Scarves

What's the connection between silk scarves and onion peels?
Lucy Grinfeld – Lusiana , seals the nature on her silk scarfs, leaves of eucalyptus, roses, pecan, platanus, casuarinas and peels of onion.
The process of the leaves imprinting on the fabric entails several stages and demands different materials that takes out the leave color on the fabric. Each painting and each leave imprint different seal and impression. Therefore, there is no scarf that resembles to other scarf. The leaves printing on the fabric is done according the seasons of the year and according to the leaves sprouting in the nature that surrounds Lucyi's home in the Galilee.
In the beginning, Lucy painted the silk in different methods. She painted the whole scarf with color that she produced of mixing few raw colors without any dilution so the color was very powerful. "In the process of coloring there is a surprise" Lucy is telling, "I don’t mix colors and the results appears to be very interesting".
The combination of the colors is never boring. The color is powerful and silk sustain it strongly without fading. The silk is very reliable and gives back beauty. And indeed, Lussi's scarves are beautiful and the colors are unique. Lucy testify on herself that she is not a painter, but a sense to the color she has certainly. Lussi's silk scarves have been sold in the leader shops of the north, such as the museum shop of Tefen and in gift shops of different hotels. During some few years Lucy presented her scarves in "Local Creativity"- the well known shop in Zikron Yaakov. Today it is able to achieve her scarves directly from her, and this way to save negotiation costs.
You are most invited to be impressed from the scarves in the gallery pictures that is on the site and to visit Lussi's studio in Carmiel, and to see additional models of scarfs.